How To Make Milk Of Magnesia At Home

Milk of magnesia, or magnesium hydroxide, is a popular antacid and laxative used to help ease symptoms of indigestion and constipation. It is a white liquid solution that is easy and safe to make at home. From the convenience of your kitchen, you can have your own homemade alternative to the commercial milk of magnesia.

When making your own milk of magnesia, you need a few ingredients, including magnesium hydroxide, water, and some flavoring such as lemon juice. The process is simple and straightforward. First, dissolve the magnesium hydroxide in water. Pour the appropriate amount of water into a glass or ceramic container and then carefully add the magnesium hydroxide powder to the liquid, stirring it all together until it is well mixed. You can also add some flavorings of your choice. Once the mixture is ready, it is ready to drink.

It is important to use the correct proportions when making your own milk of magnesia. Depending on the needs of the consumer, the magnesium hydroxide powder should be mixed with one and three-quarters of a cup to four cups of water or juice. This mixture must then be stored in a clean, airtight container, preferably made of glass, and kept in the refrigerator for up to seven days. After this time, any remaining mixture should be discarded and a new batch made.

Although homemade milk of magnesia is made from natural ingredients, it still must be consumed in moderation. The amount and frequency of usage should be strictly monitored to avoid any potential side effects such as diarrhea or cramping. Additionally, it is important to inform your health practitioner before use, in particular if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any other medications.

Making your own milk of magnesia at home can be a great way to address the occasional digestive issue. In addition to providing a source of relief from indigestion and constipation, it is also an economical and easy to make alternative to purchased milk of magnesia solutions. Of course, the ultimate decision should be made in consultation with your doctor.

Alternative ingredients

Some like to use other ingredients in their milk of magnesia recipes including vinegar, honey, stevia, and more. But, none of these alternative ingredients have the same properties as the main ingredient magnesium hydroxide. Magnesium hydroxide is a salt composed of magnesium and oxygen molecules, and it is known to have therapeutic qualities in its antacid and laxative effects. When it comes to alternative ingredients, it’s best to opt for those that are known to have the same benefits as the main ingredients.

Alternative ingredients may also cause adverse reactions. For example, vinegar is known to cause stomach discomfort if taken in large quantities. Honey can also be dangerous if consumed in excess, as it contains potentially harmful bacteria. Additionally, stevia is high in sugar and can cause an upset stomach. Therefore, it is best to stick with the main ingredient of magnesium hydroxide.

The quantity of magnesium hydroxide vs alternative ingredients also matters. Always start with the correct amount of the main ingredient and adjust accordingly if another ingredient is added. It’s important to keep in mind that not all of the alternative ingredients have the same properties as the main ingredient and therefore the overall effectiveness of the mixture may differ from what you would expect.


It is important to store the solution correctly in order to preserve its efficacy. Homemade milk of magnesia should be stored in a tightly sealed glass or ceramic container and kept refrigerated when not in use. The solution can last up to seven days in the refrigerator and must be discarded after that time. In addition, all of the supplies and utensils used to make the milk of magnesia must be kept clean and free of impurities.

The milk of magnesia must also be kept away from sunlight. A cool, dark place is the best place to store the solution, as the sun can cause rapid deterioration of the active ingredient. Care should also be taken to keep the solution away from children and pets.

The quality and concentration of the homemade milk of magnesia can be maintained for a long time if all the necessary precautions are taken. Regularly cleaning and disinfecting the utensils and equipment used to make the solution is key to preventing contamination and reducing the risk of bacteria growth.


When using homemade milk of magnesia, it is important to remember that the active ingredient, magnesium hydroxide, is a powerful chemical and should be handled with care. All working surfaces, vessels, and utensils should be cleaned and disinfected before and after use.

The solution should be taken with caution, as overdosing can lead to serious health problems. If taken in uncontrolled amounts, it can cause an irregular heartbeat, excessive confusion, and even coma. Symptoms of overdose include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion, and diarrhea. Additionally, pregnant women or nursing mothers should avoid taking this solution unless advised by their physician.

It is also important to remember that this homemade solution should not be used as a substitute for a doctor’s advice. If taking the milk of magnesia does not Immediately address the issue, professional advice should be sought to determine the underlying cause.


Homemade milk of magnesia is used to treat both constipation and heartburn. It works by increasing the water content in the intestines, which helps to soothe an irritated stomach and make things easier to pass. It can be taken before meals to prevent upset stomach, or after meals to help the stomach digest food better.

This homemade solution can also be used as a natural remedy for skin conditions such as acne and eczema, as magnesium hydroxide is known to help reduce inflammation and moisture. Additionally, it can be used as a mouthwash to soothe inflamed gums and reduce bad breath. As a hair treatment, it can restore natural shine and volume to dull hair.

It should be noted that homemade milk of magnesia should be taken in small doses, as overconsumption can have serious side effects. It is also important to consult your doctor before taking this remedy, especially if you have any medical conditions or if you are pregnant or nursing.

Overall, homemade milk of magnesia is a simple, safe and effective solution for addressing occasional digestive issues and skin irritations. When made correctly and taken in moderation, it can provide a source of relief in no time.

Willie Clark

Willie D. Clark is a food writer, specializing in dairy products. He has been writing about dairy foods for over 10 years, and has been published in a variety of magazines and online publications. His articles focus on the nutritional value of dairy products, as well as exploring interesting recipes and ways to incorporate dairy into meals.

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