How To Make 2 Milk From Whole And Skim


Making 2% milk at home is surprisingly simple and requires two ingredients: whole milk and skim milk. Whole milk is 3.25% milk fat, while skim milk is fat free. To make 2% milk, a combination of these two ingredients is necessary.


The process of making 2% milk requires measuring the correct proportions of skim milk and whole milk. To make two cups of 2% milk, you’ll need one cup of skim milk and one cup of whole milk.

Begin by pouring the whole milk into a bowl or pitcher. To this, slowly add the skim milk, stirring as you go. Continue adding the skim milk until the desired consistency is achieved, and stir until it is thoroughly mixed. At this point, your 2% milk is ready to drink!

Nutritional Benefits

2% milk is a great way to get all the benefits of fat, without taking in as much fat as whole milk. It offers the same amount of protein, calcium, and vitamins that whole milk does, but with fewer calories and fat, making it more health-conscious. 2% milk is a popular choice for children and others who want the flavor, nutrition, and health benefits of dairy without the excess fat.

Possible Variations

You can also use the same recipe to make 1% or even 0% milk by adjusting the ratios of skim milk to whole milk. To make 1% milk, use two cups of skim milk to one cup of whole milk. To make 0% milk, use three cups of skim milk to one cup of whole milk. The proportion of milk fat can be adjusted as desired.

Tips and Considerations

When making 2% milk, it’s important to keep in mind that the fat content is only approximate. There may be slight variations in the final product depending on how much whole milk and skim milk are mixed together. As a result, the final fat content may be slightly higher or lower than 2%.

It is also important to note that making homemade 2% milk will not extend its shelf life. Homemade 2% milk will still need to be kept refrigerated and consumed quickly in order to maintain freshness and avoid spoilage. Once opened, it should be used within 1-2 days.


Any leftover 2% milk that is past its expiration date should be discarded in order to avoid any potential foodborne illness. However, if the 2% milk is still good and has been stored correctly, it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

The 2% milk should be stored in an airtight container, and should not be left out at room temperature. Storing the milk in the refrigerator will help to slow down the growth of any bacteria that may have developed, ensuring that it can be enjoyed for up to 7-10 days.


Making your own 2% milk at home is a convenient and cost-effective way to enjoy the health benefits of dairy while controlling your fat intake. With just two simple ingredients and a few measurements, you can make your own 2% milk in no time at all!

Willie Clark

Willie D. Clark is a food writer, specializing in dairy products. He has been writing about dairy foods for over 10 years, and has been published in a variety of magazines and online publications. His articles focus on the nutritional value of dairy products, as well as exploring interesting recipes and ways to incorporate dairy into meals.

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