Can You Make Sausage Gravy With Almond Milk

Can You Make Sausage Gravy with Almond Milk?

Sausage gravy is a rich, creamy staple of Southern cuisine, typically made with heavy cream. But what about for those who don’t eat dairy? While traditional sausage gravy is not usually made with non-dairy ingredients, there are some tasty variations that can be prepared with almond milk, and can be just as flavorful as the original! In this article, we’ll outline the basics for cooking up a delicious dairy-free sausage gravy.

The first step in making sausage gravy is to cook up your breakfast sausage. For dairy-free versions, use sausage made with vegetable or nut-based oil, and try to avoid any with dairy-based fillers such as cheese or cream. Once the sausage is cooked, remove it from the pan and set it aside, reserving about two tablespoons of sausage grease.

Next, melt butter or an oil substitute of your choice in the same pan, then add in some flour to create a roux. Cook the mixture until it’s lightly browned then add in your almond milk. Use a whisk to stir the sausage gravy, adding more almond milk as needed to desired consistency. Season the mixture with salt and pepper to taste.

Now it’s time to bring everything together! Return the cooked sausage to the pan, add some fresh herbs if desired, and reheat the sausage gravy until it’s hot and bubbly. Serve over biscuits, rice, grits, or as part of a hearty breakfast. Although you won’t get the creamy thickness of a traditional sausage gravy, a dairy-free version can still be savored – and can be just as satisfying!

How does Almond Milk Change the Flavor of Sausage Gravy?

Almond milk gives sausage gravy a slightly lighter and nuttier flavor compared to traditional versions. Its sweetness helps to balance out the saltiness of the sausage and the savory gravy base. It also helps to give the gravy a bit of extra body. Keep in mind, however, that almond milk does not contain the fat and creaminess of a traditional sausage gravy, so it will not become thick and rich when cooked.

For extra flavor punch, consider swapping out the almond milk for cashew, hazelnut, or soy milk, or experiment with adding spices such as garlic powder, sage, or thyme. There is no wrong way to season your sausage gravy – creativity and experimentation are encouraged.

While almond milk is a tasty and nutritious option, it should be noted that the almond milk sausage gravy will contain fewer calories than a traditional version. This might be a perk for some, while for others the taste might feel ‘off’ or lacking flavor – so adjust accordingly.

What Can Sausage Gravy Be Served With?

Sausage gravy is often served with biscuits, or spooned over large dishes like country-style breakfast skillets. It makes a great topping for polenta and grits, as well. Experiment with serving your almond milk sausage gravy over roasted vegetables such as roasted potatoes or sweet potatoes, or as a sauce for vegan macaroni and cheese.

For another delicious breakfast option, try thinning out the sausage gravy to create an easy-to-pour consistency and serve it with pancakes or waffles. This can also be a perfect accompaniment to omelets or scrambled eggs. Experimenting with different dishes to serve your sausage gravy with is sure to become a fun family tradition with every breakfast.

Health Benefits of Almond Milk

Almond milk is a popular non-dairy alternative to cow’s milk, and for good reason. Almond milk is lower in calories than cow’s milk, and is also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin E, and magnesium. It is also a good source of vitamin D – which is important for healthy bones and teeth – and is free of cholesterol. Almond milk also contains fewer saturated fats than cow’s milk, which can help to reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease.

All in all, almond milk makes a great alternative for those wanting to avoid dairy products, and is a tasty ingredient in many recipes. For those looking to make a dairy-free sausage gravy, almond milk is a great ingredient to have on-hand.

Tips for Preparing Almond Milk Sausage Gravy

To get the best results from your almond milk sausage gravy, try using the right sausage sausage. Avoid pre-seasoned sausage, as these typically include dairy-based fillers, and instead stick with a fresh variety. The same goes for pre-made sausage patties and links – read the labels carefully and check for any added fillers to ensure that your sausage is dairy-free.

When cooking the sausage gravy, avoid the temptation to add too much almond milk. As mentioned before, almond milk does not contain fat as dairy-based milks do, and adding too much can make the gravy too thin and watery. If this happens, add a slurry of cornstarch and water and stir over medium heat to thicken the gravy to the desired consistency.

Experimenting with almond milk sausage gravy can be fun and delicious, and it can be just as flavorful as the traditional version. With these tips in mind, you’ll be sure to create a tasty treat that everyone in the family will love!

Storage and Reheating

Leftover almond milk sausage gravy can be stored and refrigerated in an airtight container for up to five days. To reheat, transfer the refrigerated gravy to a saucepan over medium heat and stir while heating. Avoid boiling the gravy and stirring continuously. This will help prevent the gravy from becoming too thick and stodgy. Use additional almond milk or even a bit of vegetable or chicken stock to thin out the gravy if desired.

Serving Ideas for Almond Milk Sausage Gravy

For a traditional Southern breakfast plate, serve almond milk sausage gravy over buttermilk biscuits and along side a fried egg. For vegan and vegetarian diets, try using soy sausage, and serve the gravy over sautéed mushrooms or roasted vegetables for a hearty one-plate meal.

Almond milk sausage gravy can also be used in casseroles or layered over lasagna as a flavorful alternative to traditional béchamel or white sauces. Another popular idea is to serve the almond milk sausage gravy over mashed potatoes or french fries for a comforting, Southern-inspired dinner.

Spice It Up- Ingredients To Try

To take almond milk sausage gravy to the next level of flavor, consider adding some additional ingredients. A good starting point is to add some cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and a couple of teaspoons of Worcestershire sauce for an extra kick. Fresh herbs such as parsley, rosemary, and thyme can also be added for a touch of zing.

For a wider variety of ingredients, consider adding some sautéed onions, minced garlic, diced jalapenos, or diced bell peppers to the gravy. Spicy mustards, chopped bacon, and hot sauces can also be added to boost flavor. Be careful not to overwhelm the gravy – instead, try to find the perfect balance of flavors to suit your taste.

Nutrition Facts

Almond milk sausage gravy is low in calories and saturated fat, making it a healthy alternative to traditional versions. A simple recipe of two tablespoons of sausage fat, two tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons of flour, one cup of almond milk and one-half pound of sausage will yield around four servings with each containing approximately 223 calories, eight grams of fat, six grams of carbohydrates, and a little over 11 grams of protein.

So there you have it – almond milk sausage gravy can be just as delicious as the classic version! Versatile and easy to make, this dairy-free twist is sure to become a new favorite. Enjoy!

Willie Clark

Willie D. Clark is a food writer, specializing in dairy products. He has been writing about dairy foods for over 10 years, and has been published in a variety of magazines and online publications. His articles focus on the nutritional value of dairy products, as well as exploring interesting recipes and ways to incorporate dairy into meals.

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