Can I Use Oat Milk To Make Cheese Sauce


Making cheese sauce can be a time-consuming process. Generally, it requires a few steps and a few ingredients, especially if you’re looking to make a “traditional” cheese sauce. That said, there are plenty of ways to make cheese sauce – with some variations in ingredients. Can oat milk be used to make cheese sauce? Let’s find out.

Preparation & Considerations

As with all recipes, preparing to make any dish is important. Cheese sauce requires a few ingredients, some of which include milk (of some type), cheese and even flour (which is used to thicken the sauce). The ingredients required for cheese sauce can differ slightly depending on what the dish calls for it to be added to. Since a cheese sauce using oat milk will still require butter, cheese, and flour, it’s important to note that it may be necessary to modify all the other ingredients slightly in order to achieve the desired result.

While some may think that using oat milk in cheese sauce is a substitute for a traditional dairy-based milk, this may not hold true. Oat milk is not dairy-based and has a different composition than normal cow’s milk, which will thicken and bind differently in cheese sauce. Before deciding to make cheese using oat milk, it is important to know that it require a few minor modifications or changes to ensure an optimal outcome.

Substitutions & Ratios

According to experts, using oat milk in cheese sauce may work, but they do caution that it requires a few tweaks and adjustments. One of those adjustments involves the butter-to-flour ratio. Since oat milk is quite thin in comparison to other dairy-based milks, it is important to double the amount of flour being used in the sauce. Doubling the amount of flour helps with thickening, which can help achieve the desired consistency.

When it comes to the cheese, it’s important to note that sharp cheeses are generally a good option since they pack a bit more flavor. Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that oat milk has a slightly different flavor profile than a traditional dairy-based milk, so adding seasoning (i.e. garlic, onion, black pepper, etc.) to the sauce may be necessary in order to make it truly flavorful.

Cooking and Serving

Once all the ingredients have been prepared and added, cooking the cheese sauce is a relatively simple and straightforward process. To begin the process, the oat milk, flour, butter, and seasonings should be placed in a saucepan over medium heat to give it time to fully integrate. Stir the ingredients as the heat rises and allow it to come to a simmer while continually stirring. Once it has reached a simmer, reduce the heat and continue stirring and adding cheese as it melts.

Once the cheese sauce has been cooked, it should be checked to see that it has reached desired consistency and flavor. If needed, further adjustments in seasoning and/or flour can be made at this time. Once the cheese sauce is complete, it can be served over the desired dish (e.g. macaroni and cheese, vegetable pies, etc.).


Making cheese sauce with oat milk is possible, but it does require a few minor adjustments in order to achieve the desired outcome. Mindful consideration of the butter-to-flour ratio is key, as is using a sharp cheese with seasoning. Additionally, careful preparation and stirring will ensure a successful result. And finally, once the cheese sauce has been cooked and checked for consistency, it can be served with desired dish.

Alternative Milk

In addition to oat milk, there are other milk-based substitutes that can be used in cheese sauce. For instance, almond milk is another equally-acceptable alternative to dairy milk and can be used in the same manner to make cheese sauce. In the same vein, coconut milk is another option that works just as well as oat milk and almond milk. In the end, it’s important to consider the flavor of the milk being used, as it will directly affect the flavor and final result of the cheese sauce being made.

When it comes to the consistency, using a non-dairy alternative will likely require the same modifications in butter-flour ratios and seasonings that are needed when using oat milk. Additionally, using a non-dairy alternative may take a bit longer to cook than regular dairy-based cheese sauce, as the latter tends to thicken much faster than a vegan alternative.

Health & Nutrition

From a health & nutrition standpoint, using oat milk or other non-dairy alternatives is generally better for the body. Non-dairy milks generally have less fat, fewer calories, and fewer carbohydrates than their dairy-based counterparts, which can be beneficial when it comes to cheese sauce. Additionally, non-dairy milks are also much higher in vitamin and mineral content, making them a healthier option in cheese sauce.

Since oats and other non-dairy milks are naturally vegan, those who are vegetarian or vegan can also benefit from using one of these for their cheese sauce. Not only are non-dairy milks vegan-friendly, but they are also dairy-free, gluten-free, and soy-free – making them immensely popular in the vegan cooking sphere.


Using oat milk in cheese sauce can be a challenging but rewarding task. Before jumping in, it’s important to keep a few things in mind – such as butter-to-flour ratios and seasonings. Additionally, using oat milk is much healthier than its dairy-based counterparts and those who are vegan or vegetarian can also benefit from its use. In the end, oat milk can be a delicious addition to cheese sauce if used correctly – however, it does require a few minor tweaks in order to achieve the desired outcome.

Willie Clark

Willie D. Clark is a food writer, specializing in dairy products. He has been writing about dairy foods for over 10 years, and has been published in a variety of magazines and online publications. His articles focus on the nutritional value of dairy products, as well as exploring interesting recipes and ways to incorporate dairy into meals.

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